Flooring Specialist in Herfordshire

Common Wood Floor Problems that Require Restoration


There are a variety of problems that can lead to the need of the services of a flooring specialist in Herfordshire. Wood floors offer many benefits but in order to enjoy them, they must be properly maintained. Sometimes even with this due care and attention, gradual wear and tear can still result in the need for restoration. Wood is a very long lasting material but environmental factors and age can eventually lead to problems that call for this specialized attention. Because of the cost of wood flooring, it is better to avoid restoration work if you are a novice. With expert services you will get better results.

There are certain problems that will eventually develop that one should be on the lookout for so as to get expert help early. The smaller the area that is to be restored, the quicker and less expensive it will be. Fading is a common problem in homes that have extensive use of wood flooring. This is because at some point the sun’s UV rays will penetrate through doors and windows and land on the floor surface. These rays have the effect of causing discoloration to wood and you should be able to visibly see the problem after some time.

When there is water damage, warping of the boards or blocks can be seen. They will swell and become displaced from the rest of the boards and blocks. You can usually detect this problem when walking on the floor and creaking sounds are heard. Scratches and dents can also be seen where high foot traffic passes. This is because the protective finish will have become worn and the damage penetrates into the wood. In certain climates, particularly where humidity levels change, buckling and crowning can also be experienced. This is because the wood boards or blocks are too tightly packed and do not allow of the swelling when humidity rises.